The Year of the Snake is Here
Dear Bluebird Fairy Friends,
I hope this finds you moving your best ways forward and connecting with how you wish to meet challenge and shock with your best energy.
The Lunar Year of the Snake began on January 29th.
As we step into the Lunar Year of the Snake, we release struggle and hardship and embrace creativity and flow. Trusting in transformation will guide us toward new possibilities.
The fairies and I will be working with these thoughts all year. Let us carry forth and see where we all go.
Sending lots of love,
Emily and the Bluebird Fairies
Genius in a Bottle
Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,
I hope this message finds you well. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re in the midst of winter—a season of stillness and introspection. Yet, for many of us, this winter feels deeper than usual, as though things are bad and heading towards worse.
Last week, I rediscovered a fairy I had drawn back in 2017. Something about him spoke to me, as if he knew he was meant for this moment.
He reminds me that we must keep finding ways to be the genius we are waiting for. The answers are often within us, waiting to be awakened.
Yesterday, I spoke with a friend who is in her own deep winter, a challenging situation that seems to grow heavier with time. She is the queen of making things magical and fun, often lifting herself and her husband above it all, as though on a magic carpet.
A few days ago, I told her that even though I was too far away to take a walk with them, I hoped that when they saw a turkey, they’d think of me. (Did you know wild turkeys live in Cambridge, Massachusetts?) When we spoke again, she exclaimed, "Emily! That very day, we saw a majestic turkey, and beside it were two plastic flamingos." Flamingos, symbols of moving easily through emotions, are one of my good-feeling animals.
This magical moment inspired me to create this drawing:
May these earnest drawings remind you to declare and seek the miracles you wish in your world and our shared world.
Have fun!
All the best,
Emily and the Bluebird Fairies
Happy Everything
Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,
Here we are in December! I hear it's a month to recalibrate as we move from resetting our life goals into a new way of being. I hope this transition is going well for you.
I find myself in a period of deep gratitude for Bluebird Fairies and all of you who join me in this creative journey. For over 10 years now, I’ve been sharing my drawings, which emerge from my subconscious, and I’ve been continually moved by how they resonate with others.
Yesterday, I had an experience that reminded me just how magical this connection can be. While dining at a restaurant, I was touched by the care and effort our waitress put into making us comfortable. To show my appreciation, I gifted her a small Zinnia Fairy.
Moments later, one of her colleagues approached our table, her excitement palpable. “I have your deck of fairies! I bought them at Thirty-Odd” she exclaimed. “I’m so happy to meet you! My aunt introduced me to these fairies, and she has them all over her house.”
Her joy was contagious. I introduced her to the Fairy of the Day app, and guess what her fairy turned out to be? The Fairy of Aunts of All Sizes and Flavors! It was a moment that filled me with delight. Encounters like these never stop being so fun and meaningful.
As we move through this season of reconnecting—both with others and with ourselves—I wish you moments of joy and magic like this. Let’s take inspiration from the Zinnia Fairy, who encourages us to be courageous and to embrace childlike humor. Onward we go!
Be well!
Emily and the Bluebird Fairies
Utter Amazingness
Hello, dear friends of Bluebird Fairies,
I hope this message finds you well, wherever you may be.
The fairies, along with myself and many others, have lost a dear friend, Mark Utter. Two weeks ago, I discovered this special fairy in the studio, which I felt compelled to give to Mark. It stayed by his bedside during his final days on Earth, a small symbol of love and companionship.
I’ve known Mark for many years. What began as a “teacher-student” relationship grew into a collaboration on a big project—one that ultimately "outed him as an intelligent man." Mark, along with so many of his peers, has shown me that life is far fuller, more beautiful, and more complex than we neurotypical people are often taught to see. Drawing the fairies and other artwork using my "non-dominant hand" has helped me access some of that knowledge in my own way.
Mark loved the fairies and often asked for a "fairy card reading." After he passed, I felt compelled to do a reading in his honor, keeping him in my thoughts as I drew the cards. What came up seemed too meaningful not to share today:
The Time to Go to Bed Fairy. How fitting. I am tired—so much change, so many emotions. And I know this feeling extends far beyond just myself. Lena Stevens, in her Power Path Monthly Forecast for November, says the focus this month is “Reset.”
The Fairy of Secret Gardens. Can we continue to find them? They help bolster our spirits.
On Saturday, I was in Montpelier, assisting with a Leadership Series. At the end of the day, Hubbard Park called me to walk up its steep hills and make my way to the top of the tower. This solitary November walk was just what I needed—the beautiful oak leaves beneath my feet, the lines of the landscape stretching through the trees. Yes, take these moments to continue the “reset.”
Fairy of a Bright New Day! How perfect. Mark had a shirt with this fairy on it, and he wore it through the end of his life. This fairy always helps dust off my cobwebs and lifts me up into the possibilities present when we begin again. Can we do this? Yes!
Here are some wonderful words I found on Mark’s blog, which you can find HERE at his web site.
“I want people to get really excited every time they get in line with their thinking and easily relax, finding a calm they need to work their own charm into life.
That is so needed.
I am joyful a lot of the time because I have a lot of time to be in tune with myself and really want others to have that luxury. I know it is so hard, especially when you have a lot of great projects going on.
I am hopeful it can be achieved. You deserve open rooms in your heads. You, really great people, need to treat time like a joyful friend.
On with the shows that are about all you do—and yet, let yourself star in each one of them. Maybe people don’t need to know you are the star, but you do.
Do take this all to heart. I don’t think it’s easy to change. You need to shift some heavy conditioning that our culture has deadened us with.
I think really relaxing when you feel stressed and leaving room for others to connect with you would be good to start doing.”